Hello Employers!

Looking for skilled employees?

The Professional Development Center can help you ....... Hire ...... Train ....... Promote

We connect employers to prepared and qualified candidates. Hire graduates from our vocational or customized training programs or from our pool of pre-qualified direct employment candidates.

The "Big 5"

Before we present job candidates to a prospective employer, we've insured that they have the first 4 or all 5 of the following elements which we refer to as the "Big 5":

  • 1.

    Obtained a valid driver’s license

  • 2.

    Secured reliable transportation

  • 3.

    Passed a drug screen

  • 4.

    Participated in Professionalism Training

  • 5.

    Earned job-specific credentials

PDC Employer Services


Pre-Qualified Candidates

We screen every job seeker that walks through our doors.

If they are ready to work, we put them in the pool of prepared & qualified candidates. If they are not quite ready, we work with them until they have achieved the Big 5.


Customized Training

Pre or Post Employment

Do your employees need skills or credentials to become more productive and successful? Visit the PDC's Training Center on Youngstown's Northside to explore the possibilities and talk about your training needs.


Hiring Events

Let us host an Employer Spotlight event for you.
We'll advertise it, set it up, and recruit for attendance. At the event, meet the candidates, talk about open positions, and your company culture.

Some of our Partner Employers


Let's Talk About How We Can Help


330-797-3995 ask to speak with a Job Developer