Mahoning Youngstown Community Action Partnership

About: The Mahoning Youngstown Community Action Partnership runs multiple financial assistance programs as well as case management type services. The goal is to help the low income, seniors, disabled and “vulnerable” in the region.

  • One resource a program known as Home Energy Services. The program starts with an energy audit of your home or residence. The non-profit agency will test your furnace or other heating appliance, and they will also see how much heat escapes your home by reviewing your home’s insulation. The check on how efficient your windows and doors are to determine if they’re letting heat escape from your home.
    They also may be able to perform various energy conserving weatherization services on your home, including installing new floor, attic, furnace repairs and wall insulation. Since this energy bill conserving program began, MYCAP has weatherized thousands of homes in Youngstown and Mahoning County. In addition, depending on its current condition, your furnace or other heating appliance may be replaced or tuned up.
  • In addition to the energy program mentioned above, Mahoning Youngstown Community Action Partnership also runs programs that provide cash or grants for paying utility and heating bills. The different programs include Regular HEAP Program (Home Energy Assistance Program), Percentage of Income Plan (PIP), as well as the Emergency HEAP program. All of these are options for qualified homeowners. Or read more on or get help with utilities.
  • Senior Services as well as emergency financial aid resources are also offered by the community action agency. They also operate grant-based assistance programs which include low-income energy bill help. There is also free food and clothing, and transportation assistance, as well as home visits. The case management includes budgeting as well as problem-solving services, etc. for the low income.

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